In ABCON we see the world as a business opportunity and our goal is to collaborate with Spanish firms who plan on going abroad with a short or medium term option. We offer comprehensive support in checking out new markets and selected specialists in foreign trade.

While in Spain we are living in time of economic downturn and economic slowdown, in other countries the situation is diametrically opposite, especially in the BRIC Countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) markets that share variables such as a large population, vast territory, and a significant GDP growth. If Spanish companies want to see your product positioned internationally, it is helpful to have a professional service to assist in the first steps of the export, and once the project is established, have a trained professional who can provide continuity to the new situation.

We create customized solutions based on the size and product to market, specializing in helping companies’ Exporting Sites and processes abroad.

For all other companies who are not satisfied with the current situation that the local market offers and whose expertise in this area find it to be a high cost structure, ABCON provides services in the area of export so that it is not an excessive investment to know if whether or not a product will succeed in emerging markets.



In the 1st Phase, ABCON prepares a Market Study that summarizes in identifying the increased costs for the company from the EXWORK price of the target market shelf, while also identifying the competitor companies.

In the 2nd Phase, if the results of the study are positive, ABCON draws up a strategic plan to present the offer and product of our client company to international distributors that fall within the sector and target audience.

The approximate time of both phases is 6 months from the decision to give the green light on the desired project of Internationalization.

With this service we provide the information needed to decide whether or not to carry out a process of internationalization to all those companies who value the option to reach new markets effectively without assuming high structural and temporal costs.